After years of layering on moisturizers that left a residue or increased sweat production, I've been on the hunt to find an option that kept my skin hydrated while keeping my pores clear and healthy. You know that feeling when you find a new product and you just know it's going to change your life? I finally found my Holy Grail.

And BLUNT Skincare's MOONROCK Full Spectrum Renewal Facial Oil is it.

Hear me out. First and foremost, I was intrigued by its promise as "a plush facial oil formulated to nourish and protect from free radicals." While "plush" might seem like an overstatement, the oil almost bounces as it touches your skin, leaving a silky, soft feel. It's perhaps the most luxurious formula I've ever tried, and makes your skin feel regenerated after the first application. So, as a sensory experience? I'd definitely give it a 10.

If you're looking for clean, plant-based skincare ingredients, Blunt Skincare's MOONROCK Full Spectrum Renewal Facial Oil is made with powerful ingredients like prickly pear, rosehip, pomegranate, raspberry, and avocado oils. It has a pleasant, almost-edible scent, but lacks the sweet notes you'd expect from those ingredients.

Now, let's talk about free radicals. 

Air pollutants, UVA/UVB rays, smoking, chemicals, and other toxins -both airborne and otherwise - are free radicals, and are known to penetrate the dermis, affecting your skin's ability to produce collagen. Free radicals are responsible for increased oxidative stress on your body, which can lead to heart failure and cancer, among other health issues.

The good news? The anti-inflammatory properties of full-spectrum CBD have been proven to target the damage caused by free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. After just three weeks of continued use of MOONROCK Full Spectrum Renewal Facial Oil, I noticed a reduction in breakouts and that it kept my skin hydrated. Another bonus is that my skin is noticeably less irritated post-shower and when exposed to colder temperatures.

While it may not have single-handedly saved my skin, this facial oil has increased moisture retention and improved my complexion. It's now a permanent fixture in my medicine cabinet and the one product that I reach for every day. 

February 03, 2021 — Meredith Schneider